
Growing My Green Thumb

 Hi! I'm Carley, the Overwhelmed Genealogist.  While developing my family tree is super rewarding, I had the seeds planted for family history AND gardening in my childhood. While Mom taught me how to fill out a family group sheet, she also made efforts in the family garden. Once, I remember picking cherry tomatoes off a bush outside the front door of our Rialto, California home. I didn't realize at the time that my mom planted it for harvest. I'm not even sure that I realized they were tomatoes! But I remember sneaking (or I thought I was sneaking) yummy, red fruit off the plant and eating it. Thus, my love of tomatoes began.  My Grandma and Grandpa Tanner always had a fantastic garden at their Idaho home. Every year they grew a garden. I remember picking peas and pulling carrots out of the ground and eating them fresh out of the garden. It was fantastic! In our home garden in Lake Los Angeles, California my mom would watch "Victory Garden" on PBS. Then she learne